As January comes to a close, we look forward to bringing you some classic and punchy musical acts in February. Stop by on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays for great food, drinks, and these killer performances.
Every Thursday – Rob & Kelly Sef
Friday, Feb. 2: Bobby Sprout
Saturday, Feb. 3: Dave Russell
Friday, Feb. 9: Nick Fazio
Saturday, Feb. 10: Rob Sef
Friday, Feb. 16: Al Fazio
Saturday, Feb. 17: Rob Sef
Friday, Feb. 23: Chelsey Danfield
Saturday, Feb. 24: Dave Fazekas
As always, we look forward to seeing you.
would like to know who is scheduled for this weekend? March 2-3/18
Can you please let me know who you have playing Saturday April 28?